Next Generation iPhone 5 Features
With Apple Inc. yet to reveal anything about the launch and features of the new iPhone 5, most of our knowledge about the same is based on rumors and speculations about it. It’s but obvious that Apple will put in some efforts to make sure that none of the iPhone 4G problems are repeated in its next generation iPhone. But it will have quite a few new features as well. If the sources are to be believed, the new iPhone will be armed with a A5 Processor – as opposed to the A4 Processor that was used in its predecessor, which will add to its speed by a significant extent. At the same time, it is expected to facilitate Near Field Communication (NFC) – a system which allows the device to interact with other devices around it.
Similarly, an improved camera and 3G enabled video chat is also expected to feature in iPhone 5G features list. This time around, Apple can’t afford to miss out on a camera with more megapixels – especially with smartphones boasting of 8MP and 12 MP becoming more and more common. Other features like 4G connectivity, a larger screen, more carriers to choose from, a new operating system, are also expected in the new iPhone, alongside all the amazing features that its predecessor boasts of. Most important of all, Apple is expected to put in a great deal of effort in making sure that the antenna-gate fiasco – which did hamper the brand iPhone to a certain extent, doesn’t surface again.
Next Generation iPhone 5 Release Date
It would be least surprising to see Apple Inc. push for an early release of iPhone 5G to revert the damage caused to brand iPhone by the antenna-gate fiasco of iPhone 4G. At the same time, it is quite unlikely that Apple will change the routine of releasing iPhone versions in month of June – July – something that it has been doing right from the first Apple iPhone. If reverting the damage is what Apple intends to do, it may even launch iPhone 5G 2011 in May itself. The one year period between the release of two iPhone versions is of strategic importance considering that this period allows the users to settle down with the said version. Even the users have got used to this practice – with millions of people looking forward for the month of June – July to own the new version of Apple iPhone.
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