
Kennedy assassination

Kennedy assassination: This Post is Related to Kennedy assassination, You Can read all information about it. The full Story is Below.

Kennedy assassination: On November 22, 1963 President John F. Kennedy was gunned down in Dallas, Texas. Nobody living can then forget where they were when they heard the news. The shock and sorrow of this event and the three days that followed became embedded in the national consciousness.

Images of the funeral, to greet the boy, the widow of calm, they are hidden but never forgotten.

Here's the story of those four days in November when a nation has stopped crying. You can read the first memories of those of us who remember it all so well. When we were and what we feel is part of the story. See box at right.

What is considered here is about this unique moment, the Kennedys, the Johnsons and Lee Harvey Oswald. The events of those days are sealed in a time capsule emotional shared by all those who experienced them. Hopefully this will bring those days alive.

For those too young to remember, this will tell you about the tragic four days in November 1963.

Image of an assassination:
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John F. Kennedy

What is difficult is to separate the wheat from the chaff is conjectural. So much controversy surrounding the Kennedy assassination. No attempt is made here to advance or refute a theory or point of view.

Maybe we'll never know for sure who killed John F. Kennedy. It is important, but less and less as time passes and the assassins are dead or old. That will never change is how his violent death has touched a nation. Our naivete was left on the street in Dallas. Many people believe that the fifties actually ended November 22, 1963. No more feel good. Invinsibility our sense of vulnerability has changed.

Both those who supported policies Kennedy and those who opposed them were made. At 43, John F. Kennedy was the youngest ever elected president (Clinton 46) and he embodies the vigor and vitality. To see the shot in his first made us all feel helpless.

In 1963, we do not yet know the shocks to come. We watched Robert Kennedy, not knowing that he too would be shot in less than five years. Looking at the pictures, the poignancy is increased by knowing that now that Carolina survives today.

American life during those four days came to a virtual stop as a nation sat, locked, glued to the television. A sense of disbelief was compounded by the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald. We wanted answers and we needed to be reassured. We got neither.

We got close. The funeral of the dead John F. Kennedy was a masterpiece of propriety. It was just the right combination of pump and personnel. State funeral launched by a grieving family headed by the faithful and worthy brother of the widow.

In the space of four days during November 1963, John F. Kennedy transcended just being an American president to the position most legendary king of Camelot.
Who killed John F. Kennedy?

I do not know. All I understand about forensics, I learned by watching CSI I am incompetent to judge. I read all these theories agree with the parts of each. Still seems reasonable until you read the following theory.

Americans do not like to think there might be a plot to assassinate a president. This stuff happens in third world countries, not here. At the time, we had more faith in what the government told us and when the Warren Commission said Oswald acted alone, we thought.

Thus, the reader can be clear about the prospect of the author, here's my 2 cents. Simply because the investigation was flawed does not mean that Oswald did not do it. Even if the single bullet theory is rejected, this does not completely eliminate Oswald. I have trouble believeing that Lee Harvey Oswald that shot in the head. It is too perfect, too slick for a guy who looked like not all his oars hit the water. If there was another guy on the grassy knoll or in filing School Book, I can not say. Maybe.

I never thought that the government did. These people can not keep a secret. Perhaps some governments within the government, but it's a bit like a TV movie. All those years I was expecting someone to make a deathbed confession. No luck. The Kennedys were brash and made many enemies. So maybe the crowd but again, it strains credulity to think that people whose friends have names like Freddy Five Fingers and Sammy Slasher could pull something as effective. Not without help anyway. Reportedly, John Kennedy would withdraw from Vietnam after his re-election. That someone would cost a lot of money. Profit seems as good motivation to assassinate a president than anything. But who? I do not know.

Tags:  Kennedy assassination, Kennedy, assassination, kennedy, jackie kennedy, john f kennedy, john kennedy,


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