Tatkal booking is possible in all classes except First AC class and executive class.
Tatkal tickets can be reserved two days in advance without including the date of travel and can be done by e-ticketing.
Tatkal tickets are only available on certain trains. Booking starts from 08:00 on the day of opening. For example, if you're about to travel 29 October, booking starts at 08:00 from 27th October.
Tatkal quota availability should be checked before proceeding. If you wish to cancel tickets of 25% will be deducted excluding cancellation fees and Tatkal is possible before 24 hours of travel. Cancellation within 24 hours of scheduled departure is possible, but only for tickets not confirmed. Cancellation fees are based on standards IRCTC.
To book tickets, you must have an account with IRCTC. You can easily create an account by clicking the Open button in the box. Once you log in using your password, click on the map of my journey and book tickets and enter the From / For further details and the class and to verify the ticket and mail boxes Tatkal quota. Before booking the tickets, you can check availability, rates and the road.
Tags: Irctc Tatkal, Irctc, Tatkal, irctc online booking, irctc login registration, indian railway online booking
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